Baby’s First Christmas Celebration Plans

Looking to figure out what to do for baby’s first Christmas celebration? This guide has everything parents and caregivers need to know about What to do, what to buy, how to celebrate, What are the baby’s first Christmas celebration plans and more.

Baby's First Christmas celebration

Your baby’s first Christmas is an important occasion—in family’s life. The season and day, after all, is full of joy and excitement. Plus, you only get one first. From celebrations to photo shoots, you only get one try. Unfortunately, this can leave many parents stressed. They feel the pressure of holiday perfection. But everything doesn’t have to be “just right” for baby’s first Christmas to be great.

Here is the Baby’s first Christmas Celebration plans for you and your loved ones:

  • Make a Wishlist: Baby’s gifts should have your permission —after all, you’re the one who’ll be looking at, washing, and storing them. Consider setting up an online wish list for your little love bug and sending it to grandparents, relatives, and other gift givers.
Wish list
  • Don’t Overload it: Baby’s first Christmas is an exciting time, but you should try doing with all the routines like eating, sleeping, and playing. Remind relatives who you are lucky enough to see you that scheduling some downtime is a non-negotiable necessity, for you and baby.
Overload it
  • Make a new tradition: Make a totally new tradition this year for baby’s first Christmas celebration. Don’t stress about doing something big —small, simple gestures can be just as meaningful. Baby won’t be able to participate yet, but you’ll start the “lead by example” idea early. Here are some Christmas traditions we love: Wear matching PJs on Christmas Eve. Eat donuts while opening gifts. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Donate unused toys to charity.
Christmas Tradition
  • Donate unused toys: Before the holidays, purge the baby items you are no longer need, such as outgrown toys and clothes. Give them to charity, pack them away in storage for the next kid, or hand ‘am off to a pregnant friend. That way, you’ll have space for all the new items you’re about to receive.
Donate toys
  • Make bounding with the baby: The best gift you can give your child? Time. Designate one day during the holidays for family bonding—no holiday shopping or errand-running allowed. Your baby will love the extra attention, and you’ll love the opportunity to slow down with your family.
Family time
  • Purchase special gift for your baby: While it’s completely normal to want the shower your baby with gifts, know there’s nothing wrong with getting them just one thing. These treasured belongings are often more valuable than a million little things. Plus, many withstand the test of time, like a tiny gold bracelet, a gorgeous silver rattle, an engraved baby cup, a cashmere stuffed animal, or even a quilt made from their too-small clothes.
Gifts for baby
  • Decorate baby’s room: Babies love the dazzle of Christmas lights, so why not hang some in the baby’s room? Just make sure the lights are well out of reach.
Room Decoration on Christmas
  • Play the Christmas music: Excite their eyes with tree lights and sparkly decorations. Jingle some bells and listen to holiday music. Baby will love the newness of it all, and you’ll love watching Baby’s first Christmas come to life!
Christmas music

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