Different Ways To Engage With Your Baby

Life with a baby is an adjustment and attachment between parents and their newborn . It’s loving, caring, repetitive, and at times overwhelming, but it is also absolutely grateful. Your days consist of changing diapers, feeding newborn, soothing newborn, bathing newborn, and getting newborn to sleep. But once babies get a little elder, they stay awake a little longer. Parents then begin to wonder what they should do with their newborn. It’s not like they can move around, play, crawling, or laugh with you. What are some things that you can do with your newborn baby?

Here are different super ways to engage with your baby:

  • Talk with your newborn baby: The moment babies are born, they are familiar with their parents’ voices specially moms voice. Your newborn baby wants to listen your voice, and talking to your newborn baby is extremely important for their growth development. It builds their language base and contributes to how quickly they grasp talking. It’s been proven beneficial for newborn babies to listen to normal speech patterns, cooing, and exaggerated baby talk. So talk to your newborn baby which will make your good bond with your baby. Tell them what you are doing, how you are feeling, and what you are thinking. They will sit or lying down there and eagerly listen and giving you their expression that they are understanding everything :).
  • Sing with your baby: Even if you think you have bad singing skills in the universe, your baby will definitely love it. They are hard wired to enjoy the sound of their parents’ singing voices. So sing to them! I personally recommend picking something with a good tune and melody.

This is actually develop their below skills:

  • Develop baby’s listening skills.
  • Stimulate language development and start learning new vocabulary.
  • Can calm and relax your newborn baby.
  • A beautiful way for a parent to express their feelings towards the newborn baby.
  • Walk Outside : Here is something about the walk outdoors that newborn babies like. Even it’s the fresh air, birds chirping, fountain or the change of scenery, they can’t get enough of going outside. They watch carefully and observe things. Some parents worry that they are taking their newborn babies outside too soon. However, as soon as a baby is born, it is fine for parents to take them outside. (Definitely , be mindful and keep them away from potential health issues. i.e avoid crowd.) You will see that your baby will be more relaxed as soon as you walk them around outdoors. This is because they’re stimulated and engaged by the surroundings.
  • Oil Massage : The benefits of  baby massage go above and beyond using touch to relieve gas and growth development ! Massaging a newborn baby is a way for parents to interact with their baby. This gentle touch will help an babies develop trust, confidence, and getting more familiar with the parents day by day. Plus, massage is a fool proof way to stimulate all of baby’s senses, which aids in their rapid development.
  • Bonding With Dad: Dad these days spend more time with their babies than dads of past generations did. Although dads frequently yearn for closer contact with their babies, connecting frequently occurs on a different timetable, partially because they don’t have the early contact of breastfeeding that moms have. But dads should realize, early on, that bonding with their baby isn’t a matter of being another mom. In many cases, dads share special activities with their babies. And both parents benefit greatly when they can support and encourage each other.
  • Reading For Your Baby: Reading loud is the best way to help your baby’s development word mastery and grammar understanding, which will, in the future, form the basis for learning how to read and understand things in a better way. parents can strengthen their babies’ mind and build their kid’s vocabulary by talking to them, but reading to them is even more effective and efficient way to make them understand and grasp things.

For more great articles about childhood development, baby names and baby care, bookmark kidspappy now!

Sources: https://kidshealth.org/en/html and https://www.mayoclinic.org/f20057755