6 Unique Ways To Get Dad Involved In Baby Care

While much of the first few weeks of newborn care will lie squarely on your shoulders, try to grab every chance you can to get dad involved, too. You’ll not only give yourself a much-needed break but also allow him to bond with the baby.

You carried your baby for nine months, and now they’re finally here! As you adjust to motherhood, your brain is actually changing to better equip you to take care of your little one (ever wonder why you can wake up from a dead sleep — despite all the exhaustion — to the tiniest of cries?).

Get Involve dad in baby care

I’ve found the most important thing in keeping Dad involved is open and kind communication. Once you’re done talking about it, here are some practical and fun ways to keep him even more engaged with your new bundle of joy.

How Dad Can be Involved with Baby in the Early Months?

  • Let the dad do things by himself: It’s likely that you will very quickly have more experience with your baby than your partner. You probably have a specific way you do things, such as change diapers or get the baby dressed. After you ask Dad for help, though, keep your mouth shut. If he doesn’t ask for suggestions, empower him figure it out instead of nagging and reminding him with every correction that he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
  • Study baby care things together: It’s likely that you’ve read a parenting book or two, talked to other moms or watched 300 YouTube videos of what to do with newborns. It’s also likely that your husband hasn’t. Set Dad up to be successful by sharing what you’re learning and finding books or material he’s interested in.
  • Let him do the baby’s outfit Change: Put Dad in charge of dressing the baby from time to time (maybe when you want a few quiet minutes to get yourself ready…). It is so fun to see dads’ opinions on baby clothes — and sometimes they come up with some pretty cute (or mismatched) outfits.
  • Bath Time: If your partner is at work during the day, the nightly bath time ritual is a great way for him to have designated time with the baby each evening. He’ll develop his own routine and your baby will learn to count on Dad to be there at bath time. Also, there isn’t anything much sweet than listening to little baby giggles from the tub while you put your feet up in the other room.
  • Diaper Change: Dad is just as capable of changing diapers as Mom is (and in those very first few days while Mom is healing, he is actually a bit more capable). Utilize his help! Plus, you learn to love the people you serve… so even diaper changing can promote bonding.
  • Lets take the help in feeding time: Whether your baby is formula feeding or breastfeeding, newborn meals take up a major chunk of time. Dads can be an extra hand-fetching nursing pillows, glasses of water and snacks for mom if she’s nursing. And if formula’s involved, dads can easily take over a feeding or two to let mom catch up on a needed snooze. Dads are also champion burper’s.

However you decide to get Dad involved in those early months, it will help him bond with the baby and help you feel less alone in the journey of parenthood. After all, you’re in this together.

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