When Can You Take A Newborn Outside? Tips, Benefits & Risks

After the birth of a baby, it is natural that you’d like to take them out and introduce the world to your newborn. But wait, when can you take a newborn outside? A newborn’s first outing could be exciting yet daunting for a parent because of the dos and don’ts that tag along. You must do it at the right time, in the right way, and must take them to the right places.

Most doctors allow parents to take their newborns outside if they are healthy and have no underlying illnesses. However, premature babies and those with compromised immune systems are advised to stay indoors until two months old due to potential health risks.

Benefits Of Taking A Newborn Outside:

  • Helps in physical development: From the moment your baby is born until two years of age, they are in the sensorimotor stage. The stage is characterized by growth, development, and learning that are accentuated by sensorimotor experiences that your newborn has. So, taking your newborn outside can boost their physical development as they interact with the world outside—visuals, nature, smells, and the breeze.
  • Improves sensory responses: As mentioned earlier, your baby’s sensorimotor stage sets the foundation for the upcoming stages. Exposing your newborn baby to varied stimuli every day can help promote more sensorimotor responses from them, and all of this helps them grow into healthy toddlers.
  • Helps in getting vitamin D: One of the essential things your baby gets by going outside is vitamin D, which is vital for their growth and immunity development. However, limit direct sunlight exposure to your newborn. It should be no more than 15 minutes.
Vitamin d for Babies
  • Helps in healthy sleep patterns: Natural light plays a vital role in our sleeping patterns, and it holds even for newborns. As new parents, you might be struggling to find the perfect sleeping time for your little one.
  • Helps in boosting immunity: Newborn babies do not have full-grown immune systems. However, exposing them to the outdoors can help boost their immunity and allow their bodies to ward off diseases.

Tips For Taking Your Newborn Out Of The Home:

  • Stay away from crowded areas: Your newborn is new to this world. While they are still adjusting, you may want to take them to not-so-crowded places. Apart from the fear of germs, crowded places can make your baby anxious and also cranky.
  • Take necessary baby items: Short outdoor exposures do not require you to carry baby items. But for slightly more extended outings, you would need a few baby supplies to make sure your baby is comfortable, and so are you. 
  • Short Period of time: Your baby’s first outing must always be short and brief. Start small and then increase the frequency and lengths of your newborn’s outdoor trips. It gives you and your baby time to adjust to the outdoors together. Also, it gives your baby enough practice to get used to longer trips in the future.
  • Wear proper clothing: Before you take your baby outdoors, make sure they are appropriately dressed for the climate and time of the day.
  • Try to avoid meeting sick people around: Most new parents are often worried about infections and germs around their newborn. Since newborns’ are still developing their immunity, it is advised to avoid contact with sick people and keep your baby away.

What Are The Risks Taking Your Baby Out In Public?

If your baby is healthy, there are no risks of taking them out in public. However, you must avoid taking your newborn in crowded places as it increases the risk of coming in contact with someone who is sick. It may also increase their anxiety as they are not used to crowds, and it could make it difficult for you to manage your newborn.

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