Breastfeeding Discomfort and Pain For New Mums

Breastfeeding is a blessing but on the other hand it is a big deal. Trust me, usually a mother breastfed three babies, and she can confirm that it is a real commitment for most days. Hence the proven health benefits for both mum and newborn baby, breastfeeding is hard work with its own unique set of challenges.

Here are some of the most common breastfeeding discomforts and pain, and some of our favourite solutions for solving them:

  • Thrush Orally: Thrush is an infection in your baby’s mouth, which can also lead to your breasts. Which can also cause hurt, feverish, redness, itchiness, and also rashes in that particular area. You must contact your family doctor. They will be able to prescribe a proper medication for both you and your newborn baby. You both must be treated frequently; otherwise, it can spread more.
  • Hurting Nipples : It’s normal to experience sore and hurt nipples — especially as a new mom to breastfeeding. So don’t feel bad, mama! Some mums had to contact a lactation nurse or doctor. Also please ask for help when you need it.
  • Less Milk Supply : Breastfeeding is a supply and demand process. If you want to make more milk, you will need to nurse or pump more often, you should have plenty of water and juices have enough calories, and get proper rest. These are some ideas for improving your milk supply:
    • Offer both left and right breast to feed your baby.
    • Try Massaging your breast softly.
    • Sit in a best position while feeding.
    • Try to have proper food and fluids to produce proper milk supply.
    • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
    • Try not to follow any diet while on breastfeeding.
    • Try to do yoga and meditation for proper milk production.
    • Get enough rest.
  • More Production Of Milk: Another common breastfeeding discomfort and pain is engorged breasts. So, When you produce too much milk, your breasts will fell full, which can be lead to pain! Try hand expressing a little milk — to get soften them up and get the milk flowing — before trying to latch your baby. Also, make sure to follow different breastfeeding positions to ensure your baby isn’t forced to swallow too much milk too fast when you let down. The more you feed, the less engorged your breasts will be. So try best practice to feed your newborn baby.
  • Mastitis: If your breasts are hurting; have red rashes; or have a hard, red area, you may have mastitis. Some moms also get a fever and chills. So, if you have the symptoms of mastitis, talk to your doctor. Also continue to breastfeeding and switch between warm compresses and softly massages right before breastfeeding. Mastitis caused by an infection that may need treatment.
  • Breastfeeding In Crowd: Breastfeeding in crowd can be more awkward, especially if your wardrobe limits you. Wearing the same outfit many times so you can breastfeed can get old fast. Use a small bedsheet, a small blanket, a poncho, a stole or shawl to cover your shoulders all the way to your baby. It has the proper support and make the process easier for both baby and mama.
  • Breastfeeding make the baby and mama a little sleepy: It has to do with the hormone oxytocin released during nursing. Milk flow is quickest after let-down. Start with the fuller breast side, then change to the other breast. If you see your baby dozing off, remove her/ him from the breast and try to stimulate the baby — burp, tickle feet — then try to transition the baby to the other breast. This should get better with time or day by day.

I hope this article was helpful for you to understand the pain and discomfort for breastfeeding mums. For more such articles, keep visiting our website.

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