How Stress Affects Pregnancy?

Being pregnant can bring up a range of emotions for you, including feeling anxious or stressed, but this is completely normal. Stress is a normal reaction to a major change (such as pregnancy). In some cases, stress may even be good for people because it can push them to take action in the face of new challenges. However, too much stress can be overwhelming and could even lead to health problems both for you and your baby.

How stress affects pregnancy?

How stress affects pregnancy and baby?

Stress can affect your own health or wellbeing, and can include experiencing headaches,  sleeping issues, fast breathing and a racing pulse. Stress could also cause problems for your baby. These can include effects on your unborn baby’s growth and the length of gestation (your pregnancy). They can also increase the risk of problems in your baby’s future physical and mental development, as well as behavioural issues in childhood.

Some women may experience:

  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Worry or anxiety
  • Anger
  • Eating problems (too much or too little food, or the wrong types of food)
  • Trouble relaxing or winding down

Causes of stress in pregnancy:

  • It’s a serious type of stress that can lead to complications: divorce, death in family, loosing job, long term financial issues etc…
  • The situation at home may cause stress, such as being a single parent or teenager and wondering how you will cope, or experiencing relationship difficulties, which could include family violence.
  • For some women, finding out that they are pregnant can be a stressful experience in itself. You could feel like you have lost control or don’t have enough resources to manage what you’ll be experiencing.
  • Stress can come from having a pregnancy that is unplanned, or becoming pregnant after previous negative experiences with a pregnancy, birth or motherhood, such as a miscarriage or the death of a baby.

How to manage your stress level while pregnant?

  • Pay attention to the triggers that make you stressed and notice what happens when you feel stressed.
  • Try to slow down, rest and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet to help keep you and your baby healthy.
  • Share things to someone you trust about your concerns and how you’re feeling.
  • Take part in regular exercise or walk suitable for pregnancy.
  • Do yoga, meditation, breathing, or relaxation through classes, or using apps, videos or podcasts.
  • Engage in your favourite hobbies such as reading, watching TV, listen to calm music gardening, cooking, swimming etc…
  • Spend time with your loved ones who make you feel calm and soothe. who make you feel strong .i.e. Mingle up with people.

You don’t need to cope on your own. Try to ask for help when you need it and accept people’s offers to help you. Take good care of yourself, and implement the steps needed to reduce stress and have a calm and healthy pregnancy 🙂

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