How to Conceive a Particular Gender?

Whether you and your life partner have planned to begin a family, congratulations! This is a big decision, and now that you both are prepared for this huge life change, the fun can now starts.

Whether one of you is privately hoping for a particular gender, there’s nothing wrong in it and it’s generally normal. From peer group, ladies have been giving ideas about raising their chances of having a boy or a girl. Regrettably, whatever tips I will be going to share, is not medically proved that these tips are definitely going work. Therefore every women is different, it may be suit many of you. but there is no harm to try it:)

So if you wanna try to conceive a particular gender, here are some suggestions and old peer’s give ahead. Here we go! Here’s how to try to conceive a particular gender.

Here are different ways to increase the chances of baby girl:

  • Don’t Orgasm:

I know it not funny. But many old generation people told that women’s orgasms travel sperm near to the cervix. As sperm travel faster, this can give sperm a head start to the egg. And you became pregnant with baby boy so, if you want a baby girl then don’t orgasm early.

  • Have sex very often:

It’s been told that the more often you have relation with your life partner, the lesser his sperm count will be. Therefore it may increase your chance of the female sperm approaching to the egg first. Hence, make sure to keep penetration shallow. Some positions eg: the missionary position have the possibility of conceiving a baby girl powerfully.

  • Changes in eating habits:

Eating specific foods like Salt is not taken when trying to conceive a baby girl, so cut off salt from your diet. Now we can talk about what all things we should eat and not eat:

>Eat and drink: Having milk and dairy items such as cheese, butter and yogurt. Have unsalted foods items, vegetables, dal, rice, some amount of meat, fruits, dry fruits, seeds etc.

>Don’t Eat and drink: Keep away from alcohol, smoking, salt, salty food items etc.

  • Tight Clothes:

Your partner should wear tight undies and tight pants to keep his body warm which is why his sperm count will be lower. Hence the chances of conceiving baby girl will increase. Therefore try to wear tight clothes to make the body temperature high.

Here are different ways to increase the chances of baby boy:

  • Know Your Ovulation Days:

As male sperm travel faster and don’t live as long as female sperm, have sex on the day of ovulation. Ovulation is the process in which a mature egg is released from the ovary. After it’s released, the egg travels down to the fallopian tube and stays there for 12 to 24 hours, where it can be fertilized. And then you become pregnant.

  • Less love making/ sex:

Your partners sperm count should be high, so if you have sex regularly, this is lowering the number of sperm count. Therefore the higher the sperm count, the chances of male sperm travels the egg first increased. So keep away from the sex till ovulation and have sex in alternative days in ovulation days to keep the sperm count high.

  • Beverages:

Have your partner drink a caffeinated beverage like tea or coffee before you both have sex. It is thought to make the male sperm more energetic and then you will became pregnant with baby boy. Also you should avoid smoking and drinking because it gets your sperm quality and quantity on a lower side, so keep away from these things if you want to became a parents of baby boy.

  • Wear loose boxers and trousers:

Your man have to keep his private parts cool by wearing boxer and loose-fitting trousers to keep the body temperature lesser to improve the quantity and quality of sperm. so. that there will be a high chances of conceiving with baby boy.

  • Positions:

Its believed that have sex in doggy style so that your man’s sperm is closer to cervix and get travel faster to the egg and again its going to help in conceiving with the baby boy.

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