International Travel With Your Toddler – Tips & Tricks

International Travel With Your Toddler – Tips & Tricks, In summer holidays also mean vacation time and this annual season of vacation with your family brings a lot of fun. If you have already begun planning or a vacation and deciding to travel international, with your toddler on board, be prepared well in advance. Travelling with toddler is not easy as it sounds and requires a lot of preparations to be done before hand. If you are going to do an international travel with your baby for the first time, make sure you prepare a list of items to be carried and pack as per the same. Since you are travelling abroad with kids, I am giving you a few tips and tricks that you need to be aware of.

Tips To Travel With Toddler-

  1. Be free from worries: Since this is your first time international travel with your toddler, you are bound to get worried. This is normal but you need to calm down and just go ahead with the idea as at the end things will turn out just fine.
  2. Don’t over pack: Do not carry more clothes than required. However, travelling with a toddler might need you to pack a pair or two extra, which might come handy during a code brown situation. As far as diapers are concerned, you can pack them for your travel while the rest can be purchased from your destination as you land. Do not carry unnecessary things as it will only add on to your luggage and handling the same with a little one will be a tenacious task for you.
  3. Choose your accommodation wisely: If you choose to stay in a hotel, you will seek perks such as room service, meals and so on. Whereas in rentals you will have to cook your own food and carry out other activities all by yourself. Since you have a toddler on board, be wise to choose a hotel that will fit in to your budget. Also make sure to do advance booking of your accommodation in order to avoid any sort of confusion at the last moment. You don’t want to rush here and there with a baby in hand searching for accommodation options.
  4. Pack baby food: When travelling with a toddler on plane, you will need to pack food for him/her as your baby might not like the food served on board or he/she might be allergic to some ingredients. Pack such a food item for your child that will not cause spillage and will be easier to feed him/her.
  5. Plan your flight: It will be wise to plan a night time flight if travelling with a toddler, which is also their bed time. This will ensure that your child will doze off in his/her sweet sleep and passengers will be saved from a crying baby on board.

Here Are Some Toddler Airplane Activities That Your Child Can Enjoy On Board- International Travel With Your Toddler – Tips & Tricks

  1. Action figures: If your child is a fan of action figures or other dolls, make sure you carry the same with you in your hand luggage. The toys shouldn’t be too big to carry and must fit in your bag with an ease. Playing with the dolls will keep your little one engaged on the flight
  2. Colouring books: You can carry your child’s colouring books with a few colours that will keep him/her engaged throughout the flight
  3. Story books: A story will come handy when your child turns cranky. You can read the book to your child and soon he/she will fall in to sweet slumber

Consider the above mentioned tips and tricks to keep your child engaged in the flight and fly with an ease. Pack wisely and choose the destination wisely that will be favourable to your toddler as well. Bid adieu to travel woes and say hello to a happy holiday!

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