Postnatal Infections –Symptoms, and Treatment

Symptoms of Postnatal Infection

Postpartum infection symptoms do not always appear when the mother is in the hospital. They may start to show up anytime within ten days after the childbirth. Some of the signs of postpartum infection are as follows:

  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Tenderness and pain in the infected area
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Problems in passing urine or stool

Most Common Types of Infections After Delivery

Some of the most common postpartum infections are as follows:

  1. Postpartum Haemorrhage: This happens when the uterus is unable to contract the way it should after the placenta has been delivered or if there are any lacerations in the uterus, vagina, or cervix.
  2. Uterine Infection: Any infection that may be present in the amniotic sac at the time of delivery can lead to uterine infection. Uterine infection can also be caused when pieces of the placenta are stuck inside the uterus.
  3. Caesarean Wound Infection: Infections in the caesarean wound can develop a few days after delivery. If you experience any redness, swollen skin, or discharge, get yourself checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
  4. Perineal Pain: The area between the rectum and vagina is known as the perineum. It is not uncommon to experience pain in this area, but if the tissues are torn or stretched during the delivery, then you will experience a feeling of swelling or soreness in this area.
  5. Heavy Vaginal Discharge: Women experience heavy vaginal discharge for the first few weeks after delivery. This discharge consists of all the blood and placenta remains. At first, it will be bloody with clots in it, but it will start to turn pink, and then eventually white until it stops altogether. If after two weeks the discharge is still bloody and foul-smelling, alert your doctor immediately.


Proper diagnosis is based on the results of some physical examinations. Sometimes a diagnosis can be made even when a woman has a fever and no other symptom. Usually, urine samples are taken to be cultured and then checked for bacteria that might be causing the problem.

Why Should You Be Concerned About Infection After Childbirth?

If infections go undetected or untreated, they can lead to blood clots, infections in the kidneys, which cause kidney problems, and infections in the bloodstream can sometimes cause major issues. Most often, though, these infections can be treated, and the biggest problem lies with it taking time away from bonding and caring for your baby. Seek medical help if you have even the slightest feeling that something is not right.

Management and Treatment of Postnatal Infections

The treatments for postpartum infections are:

  1. General Treatment: Bed rest, drinking a lot of fluids, maintaining a balanced diet, and medicines. In the case of severe breast infections, the mother may pass it along to the newborn, and she should not breastfeed her baby until she recovers. A breast pump can be utilised to express the milk to prevent breast engorgement of breast abscess.

2. Local Treatment: In the case of episiotomies, the stitches will need to be removed so that the puss can be drained.

Sometimes some tissues are retained in the uterus, causing a uterus infection after birth. These should be removed very gently. If the uterus is too fragile, the mother should be put on antibiotics for a couple of days before removal is attempted.

To avoid vaginal infections, clean vaginal pads must be used and changed frequently.

Educate yourself on the proper care of wounds after delivery as taking care of this will reduce the chances of developing any kind of infection. Make sure to wash your hands before handling your wounds and always wipe from front to back when needed. In order to manage your postpartum bleeding, do not use tampons as these are meant to be inserted into the vagina. If they are contaminated, they will carry infections directly inside. Always remember to see your doctor at the first sign of fever and keep them informed of any discomfort you might be feeling. This way, you can be sure of whether you are experiencing regular postpartum pains, or if the case is more serious.