Gestational Diabetes

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes?

During pregnancy, a women’s produces more hormones and go through  various changes. An increasingly common phenomenon with pregnant women is the development of gestational diabetes, even if the mama-to-be did not previously have diabetes, still a baby have diabetes. Poor diet and abnormally weight gain can be causes of the...

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Postnatal recovery

5 Things to Know About the Postnatal Recovery

Moms sometimes discuss the complications of pregnancy, from morning sickness to glowing skin. Hence, we don’t usually talk about the postnatal infections and changes after giving birth. A women went through so much and also going through a lot. It’s understandable to support her in every way you can. And now we are...

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How to Induce Labor naturally?

As you’re welcoming your baby’s final date, you’re getting more prepared and anxious to meet your bundle of joy. Your back is hurting, your feet are paining, and you’re so over whelming to finally meet your bundle of joy you’ve been thinking about. And now that you’re almost at the finally reached at...

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Things To Know About C-section

Caesarean sections (C-section) account for slightly less than 32 percent of U.S. births, according to data from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. While many are performed on women who’ve had previous C-sections, some are necessary if complications arise during a woman’s pregnancy or delivery.  A large number of C-sections are...

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7 Ideas For Hosting Baby Shower Tea Party

Traditional baby showers are typically an unstructured, mix-and-mingle social event with a few central elements — namely, games and gifts. During a tea party baby shower, you have the opportunity to create a more structured, demure event. A tea party baby shower is perfect for the would-be-mom. In this article,...

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Side Effects Of An Epidural After Childbirth

Epidurals are a common procedure to provide pain relief or a lack of feeling for labor and childbirth, certain surgeries and certain causes of chronic pain. An epidural is generally a very safe procedure, but there are some risks and possible side effects. An epidural is a procedure that involves...

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How Stress Affects Pregnancy?

Being pregnant can bring up a range of emotions for you, including feeling anxious or stressed, but this is completely normal. Stress is a normal reaction to a major change (such as pregnancy). In some cases, stress may even be good for people because it can push them to take...

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