How To Reduce Swollen Legs & Feet in Pregnancy?

It’s normal to get some swelling in pregnancy, particularly in your legs, ankles, feet and fingers. It’s often worse at the end of the day and further into your pregnancy. Swelling that comes on gradually is not usually harmful to you or your baby, but it can be uncomfortable.

Swelling is caused by your body holding more water than usual when you’re pregnant. Throughout the day the extra water tends to gather in the lowest parts of the body, especially if the weather is hot or you have been standing a lot.

How to manage swollen legs and feet in pregnancy?

The pressure of your growing womb can also affect the blood flow in your legs. This can cause fluid to build up in your legs, ankles and feet.

How to reduce Swollen legs & Feet in Pregnancy:

  • Take a foot bath mixing alum in warm water
  • Avoid standing for long periods
  • Try to rest with your feet up as much as you can
  • Avoid Sodium(Salt) Intake
  • Drink plenty of water – this helps your body get rid of excess water
  • Increase Potassium Intake like potato, banana, sweet potato, spinach, beans etc…
  • Wear comfortable shoes and socks – avoid tight straps or anything that might pinch if your feet swell
  • Avoid drinking too much caffeine
  • Exercise & Yoga– try to take regular walks during the day or doing foot exercises & yoga
  • Get a massage
  • Sleep on your left side
  • Visit your doctor or midwife if it gets severe

Other factors that can contribute to swollen feet include:

  • Hot weather
  • Not taking proper rest hence working women wont take proper rest
  • Dietary imbalances i.e. changes in diet.
  • More Caffeine intake
  • Not drinking enough water i.e. dehydration
  • Being on your feet for long periods of time at home or office

If you are struggling with swollen feet during pregnancy, try any or all of the above tips to make some noticeable progress!

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