6 Sleeping Tips For New Moms

Sleep may seem elusive to new parents, but it’s important for new moms to find ways to sleep when they can and make the most from the precious sleep they do get. New parents are too familiar with not getting enough sleep. it’s almost like a rite of passage. But it shouldn’t be. Lack of sleep is not only draining and exhausting, but it could also lead to more health issues if left unchecked. 

Sleeping tips for new moms

”Taking care of a new baby is a lot of hard work and can be extremely exhausting, especially for mom as she is still recovering from labor,”

How to get better sleep with a new baby at home?

  1. Do relaxation techniques and meditation. When you can’t sleep, try meditating or using the relaxation techniques you learned while you were pregnant. If you have trouble with active relaxation techniques, try listening to soothing music or white noise that can help ease your tension and reduce stress. Relaxing can help reduce the discomforts of sleep deprivation and make you feel more centred.
  2. Take turns waking up with the baby throughout the night: If one parent tends to take over with feeding the baby throughout the night, try splitting up the duties more evenly. “If bottle-feeding, both mom and dad should take turns getting up with the baby. Ideally mom should be allowed to sleep for five hours continuously the first half of the night as it will help with her emotional health,”
  3. Try sleeping when your baby sleeps: Babies sleep a lot during the day and at erratic times that might seem less than ideal for you to sleep. “I know this piece of advice gets a bad rap, but in those early stages, forget about the laundry or the dishes and take sleep however and whenever you can get it,”.
  4. Treat yourself:  Find time to treat yourself – even if it’s doing something simple. Take a bath or long, hot shower, paint your nails, get a massage, sit outside and relax, talk to a friend on the phone, write or journal, listen to some music, or go out to eat or shop for a while. Do what makes you feel good.
  5. Ask for help: There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it, so don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family or even hiring help if possible. “If it’s in the budget, it’s helpful to hire a night nurse or postpartum doula to help overnight so that both parents can get better rest, even if it’s just one or two times a week,”
  6. Avoid screen time before bed : Sleep experts caution against using devices like your phone, computer or TV before bed, since the light emitted from these devices can be stimulating and mess with your sleep. 

If you think you have a sleep problem that goes beyond simple sleep deprivation, consult your health care provider. Take care of yourself!

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