What are the Health Benefits Of Coconut Water During Pregnancy?

Health benefits of coconut water can be well understood from its proximate composition. So, it is safe to drink tender coconut water during pregnancy. However, like any other food, moderation is the key to safety. Coconut water is rich in minerals, such as potassium, and its overconsumption could lead to too much potassium in the blood. This condition is known as Hyperkalemia.

How To Select The Right Coconut?

To enjoy the various benefits of coconut water, you should know how to select them properly. These tips may help you to buy fresh and tender coconut.

A fresh coconut will be light and sweet and will not contain coconut meat, the white, fleshy, tender substance. A ripe or stale one will taste sour.

How Much Coconut Water Can A Pregnant Woman Have?

  • Moderation is always the key when it comes to taking a healthy diet. You can drink up to one to two glass of coconut water a day.
  • Prefer to consume fresh coconut water from young coconuts over packaged coconut water. Use a clean straw or pour it into a glass and drink.
  • Do not consume coconut water if you react to it or dislike its taste.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Coconut Water During Pregnancy?

There is no evidence that proves coconut water has adverse effects on pregnancy. Like any other fruit or vegetable juice, it also seems to be safe. However, safety during pregnancy is vital for the mother and the unborn baby. Therefore, it is wise to be cautious. Overconsumption of ripe coconut water may cause constipation.

Here are some Health Benefits of Coconut Water:

  • Electrolytes: The need for electrolytes increases during pregnancy because conditions like morning sickness, nausea, and diarrhea dehydrate the body. Coconut water supplies all the five essential electrolytes: minerals, sodium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, which can soothe the body and provide energy.
  • Prevent from heartburn and constipation: Hormonal changes during pregnancy could lead to several issues such as heartburn, constipation, and indigestion. A considerable dietary fibre content in coconut water could help strengthen the digestive system, enhance digestion, regulate pH levels, and prevent constipation.
  • Prevent from Infections: Coconut water has considerable amounts of vitamins, essential minerals, and antioxidants, which boost your immunity, providing resistance from infections. It also contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid responsible for the production of a powerful antimicrobial compound monolaurin.
  • Maintain Heart Health: Low electrolytes level spikes the blood pressure. Drinking coconut water can help improve the levels of potassium, magnesium, and lauric acid, which could help in regulating blood pressure. It also improves good cholesterol and combats bad cholesterol, a phenomenon crucial for maintaining heart health.
  • Maintain Healthy Weight: Coconut water is fat-free and low in calories. As pregnancy adds extra weight to your body, coconut water could help prevent it from getting any worse by controlling the total calorie consumption and controlling hunger pangs.
  • Natural drink: Coconut water is a tasty natural drink that is free from artificial flavours or harmful components. During pregnancy, getting dehydrated is not uncommon.
  • Keep Rehydrated : Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink, which helps rehydrate and supply energy when you are dehydrated, fatigued, and exhausted. If you exercise regularly, you can opt for coconut water as an energy drink.
  • Sugar Content: Lethargy is common during pregnancy. Therefore, you may look for energy drinks. This does not seem to be bothersome at that moment. However, excessive intake of sugar can lead to an increase in overall blood sugar levels.
  • Help in baby growth: Some researchers have found that tender coconut water contains certain biologically active compounds and growth-promoting factors.
  • Protection: A research study showed that coconut water during pregnancy provides protection against maternal high-fat diet-induced changes.

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